My arrival in
The visa application area was total chaos. A crowd of confused, tired and cranky tourists (mostly from Europe and Canada) and a few NGO workers milled around three random-seeming Tanzanian dudes who took our $100 bills and our passports and put them in a dubious pile. Miraculously, they called me to the processing window, took a digital (!!) photo of my exhausted face, and pasted a very official and clean-looking visa with my photo into my passport. And they didn’t ask for a bribe or over-charge me.
Next was the Assport Control. They forgot the pee. I breezed through this one too. It was my lucky day!
My three days in
Dar Adventure Number One: The Pilipino Double Delight
There’s nothing like 22 hours on a plane to make your body feel like total crap. Add wailing children and rude seat neighbors and then you feel like über-crap.
My first quest was to find “The Touch” spa. I saw a sign for it on
I found a big house with a sign “The Touch” at the gate. The askari (guard) was fast asleep, so I just walked right in. As I turned the knob on the door, out walks a tiny Pilipina woman, about my size. We were both shocked at seeing each other. After a moment, I asked “Is this ‘The Touch’ spa? Do you do massage?” She smiled and nodded and shooed me inside.
It turns out that “The Touch” consists of four Pilipinas who came to Dar seven months ago to set up this day spa. I asked for a back massage and decided that I’d have to save the “Gentleman’s Executive Relaxation” and “Pilipina Double Delight” for another day. That’s when you have two Pilipinas “working on” you at the same time. The whole thing was hilarious. The women there, especially Mimi, who gave me my back massage (and did a good job, thank you), thought that the whole situation was hilarious. I could hear them chatting and giggling up a storm in Tagalog while I was lying on the table in post-massage relaxation bliss.
Dar Adventure Number Two: Kariakoo Market Chaos
After our meeting with the folks at I-TECH in downtown Dar, I wanted to explore the Kariakoo Market. It is touted to be one of the biggest and brightest markets in all of
We encountered a surreal scene. The market building had a bunch of its portals closed. No on was visibly selling market stuff on the streets. Debris was strewn all over. There was an agitated feeling in the air. Men were angrily milling all about without any directed purpose. The market seemed closed, but something was wrong.
We walked into a nearby ice cream shop and asked the man behind the counter about the market. Royce asked him directly, so I couldn’t hear much of the response, which was in broken Swahilish anyway. Royce said, “Oh, something happened to a small businessman…” which somehow I had heard as “something happened to a small child.” We left feeling even more disoriented and found a taxi.
I asked Modest about it that evening. “Oh, they are just cleaning up the market area with the small vendors. They should be open tomorrow.”
The next day, the front page of the Tanzanian papers declared, “Kariakoo Market Closed Indefinitely.” The news showed scenes of total chaos at the market with crowds of men toppling tall piles of market goods in the face of Tanzanian police officers. It turns out that the police are trying to crack down on the small vendors and won’t allow the market to re-open till the small vendors leave the premises.
The market probably thrives on these scrappy small vendors. Why on earth would you want to drive them away?
Check it out:
ASSport huh? Sounds like a thorough check. I'll have to remember that when I come out there this summer!
Dude, i thought you got the pilipino double delight! oh well, story is still good... can't wait to tell carissa, rob and rach on Saturday night (Rob's going away party)... the pilipina triple threat!
Hey Sophy, love the blog! I'm right there with you...from the steady diet of Pret a Manger in London (and on long layovers in Heathrow) to the "Assport" control experience in Tanzania...such fond memories! If EJ permits, I'll try to keep up with this.
hmm, is there such a thing as Assport Control?? there is a total lunar eclipse on Feb 2th. Weird will you be able to witness it in Africa, you should right its the same moon.
your blog is great, makes me want to do a blog!
ops I'm Karen Horney, I have no idea where that came from, i wrote a paper on Horney for my psych class, but that prior comment was from me too.
Wow- a total lunar eclipse in rural Tanzania on Feb 2nd! If that happens, my world will become totally dark.
Asante for posting, marafiki! It makes me feel like you are all right here with me, in the internet cafe, watching the slooooow connnnectiooooonnnnnn upload my blog stuff. I am learning to be patient, I really am.
Three for one! ok, immediately knew the double delight was not a two-order special of lumpia and adobo! That is hilarious. Adventure 2, I'll hope that Assport control is closed in Busan, and adventure #3, Kariakoo Market must have gotten some Nintendo Wii's! Take care of yourself!
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