Monday, February 1, 2010

Shanghai'ed: favorites

Here are some of my favorite images from roaming around Shanghai:

above: in an alleyway of the painfully hip commercial art area called the Taiking Road Art Centre

above: the view of Pudong River from my hotel room. Yes folks: that's SMOG.

above: one of the many the Mao Tse-Tung tribute sections of the Shanghai Chinese Propaganda Museum, though this one had an impressive collection of mini Mao statues that filled a wall.

above: OMG! A Smart Car in Shanghai! Modernization to the max.

above: Crazy Harajuku-type fashionistas populate Shanghai too.


winterblossom said...

Is that train actually a monorail? Because Ennio and I watched something on high tech monorails and it talked about one in China that is the world's fastest.

I'm not sure if i could handle the red hua guo, but I wish I could try. How I long for good Chinese food.

resister said...

Yes, it's probably the high speed monorail that you saw. It is supposedly the world's fastest (though China really does up its superlatives in a ridiculous way.).